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your Amazon business by using Sellzone

Sellzone – Extra Tools from Semrush

Sellzone is a suite of tools powered by Semrush, which helps you manage and optimize your Amazon US Marketplace listings. These tools track the performance of your product listings and growth-related challenges, including:

  • Understanding the competition
  • Compliance with Amazon Requirements
  • Optimizing your listings
  • Promoting your listings


Sellzone has two subscription levels, with different levels of access:

  • Free: This level allows you to access unlimited split testing, ASIN external traffic overview, and listing checks to help you comply with Amazon Requirements.
  • $50 per month: This includes full access to Sellzone’s entire suite of tools. This includes more in-depth ASIN external traffic reports, listing protection, quality checks, and ideas to help improve your listings.
  • $85 per month:  This includes all growth features plus: Personal account manager, Private onboarding, and Extended limits.

What Is Sellzone and Why Use It?

Sellzone provides insight into your Amazon Marketplace performance through seven different tools. Each one of them is designed to address a specific set of challenges for Amazon sellers. 

  • Traffic Insights: Here, you can get a detailed analysis of how much external traffic your listings are getting – an important source of new customers – and compare it to your competition.
  • Listing Protection: This alert system can monitor your listings for unexpected changes and provide automated notifications so you can respond accordingly and avoid a potential loss of sales.
  • Keyword Wizard: This tool helps you do keyword research, identify easy wins and low-hanging fruit, and increase your visibility by targeting high-value search terms. 
  • Listing Quality Check: This tool helps you be compliant by checking your listings against Amazon Requirements and Style Guides, and provides advice on how you can improve them.
  • Split Testing: This free tool helps you test changes to your product titles, images, descriptions, and pricing, compare the results with the original version, and keep the version that converts better.
  • Product Research: Using the latest Amazon data, this free tool helps you identify and choose high-demand, low-competition products to sell – handy for both newbies and experienced sellers alike.
  • PPC Optimizer Tool: This powerful ad automation tool allows you to launch and direct profitable advertising campaigns for your products using a data-driven approach.

Traffic Insights

The Traffic Insights tool provides in-depth reporting on how much external traffic your listings are getting, where that traffic is coming from, and what you can do to maximize your potential traffic going forward.

amazon traffic insight

However, It is not necessary to have a list to analyze it, but you can also use the tool to analyze the lists of your competitors, allowing you to identify their strengths and weaknesses and compare them with the ads for your products.

Google Organic Report

Organic traffic from Google can play a significant part in your audience acquisition strategy, so it’s important to pay attention to this channel.

The Google Organic Report helps you understand Google search trends and also helps you identify potential improvements you could make. Here, you could analyze: 

  • Your overall trends in reach, traffic, and the number of keywords bringing traffic to your product listing
  • Data about specific keywords including competition, traffic, and search position
  • Organic search trends by device type and country
  • Historical reports

Amazon Organic Report

A significant number of product-related searches start on Amazon, and many of these end up in a direct sale. Therefore, It’s important to focus on your search visibility and understand what your competition is doing about it.

The Amazon Organic Report is structured in similar to the Google Organic Report and allows you to view reach, keyword, and traffic trends on Amazon for your selected product(s).
In the Details report, you can also see valuable information about the product’s keywords, including Amazon SERP features, position changes, and detailed keyword analysis.

Referrals Report

The Referrals report analyzes potential traffic coming from backlinks. Here, you can analyze overall referral traffic through three different trends:

  • Reach
  • Referring domains
  • Backlinks

The Details report provides a more granular view, breaking down each of the top referral sources by area. This section displays the total number of backlinks provided by this domain. Plus, you can see how competitive these backlinks are for each source. To view your specific backlinks (or those of your competitors) click on the relevant domain.

Shopping Ads Report

The Commercial Ads report examines the keywords that are currently generating ads for Product Listing Ads (PLA) leading to your product. Here you can find the total number of keywords generating PLA, as well as specific data on each keyword. You can also find out how many websites you’re seeing a display ad on that leads to this product and the Reach Trend, which shows the estimated number of leads with the keywords it is ranking for.

Display Ads Report

The Display Ads Report focuses on visible banner advertisements associated with an ASIN, listing, or product, which are proven externally, throughout a number of ad-supported websites. It enables you to examine a few specific trends related to your display ad performance:

  • Reach Trend: This graph estimates the overall amount of traffic visiting the websites that display ads related to your product listing over time. It shows you how many people your ad could potentially reach.
  • Publishers Trend: This graph focuses on the number of websites that publish ads associated with your product.
  • Ads Trend: This graph shows how many times display ads associated with your product appeared on websites that publish them.

More information about each of these trends can be found under Details.

Listing Protection

The Listing Protection tool can be used to provide security for your own listings, helping you to prevent traffic loss and respond more quickly to unexpected changes. You can also use it to gather intelligence about your competition. 

When you choose to monitor a listing, it tracks the following: 

  • Product Title, Description, and Images
  • Keyword Rankings
  • Buy Box Statuses
  • Price Changes
  • Listing Suppression (if you’ve connected your Amazon Seller account)

How to Use the Listing Protection Tool

The Listing Protection Tool lets you track as many Amazon product listings, whether or not they’re your own or belong to a competitor.

To add your first listing, all you have to do is enter the URL or ASIN and click monitor.

amazon listing product

You can find all of the listings you’re tracking on the Listing Protection tool’s main dashboard. To track another one, simply enter the product’s URL or ASIN at the top of the page and click Add. You can remove any listing by clicking on the trash can icon.

Once you’ve delivered the listings you want to track, the next step is to customize the automated monitoring (to make certain you’re getting the most out of the tool). You can customize ad tracking by clicking the “Track your ad issues” button under the product in question, and what information you want to track and/or opt out of any information you do not want to track. You can also add relevant keywords and seller information.

Remember, in order to track Listing Suppression, you’ll need to connect your Amazon Seller account.

Once you’ve chosen what you want to keep track of, you can customize your notifications. The Listing Protection tool can send you alerts via email or SMS. You can opt in or out of these notifications in the Settings tab by clicking on the change to the left of the notification kind you choose to change. The slider will appear purple if it is activated and gray if it is not.

Keyword Wizard

The Keyword Wizard tool is the keyword research tool for sellers. You can use it to analyze keywords to improve your listings’ visibility in Amazon search.

For Semrush Masters: The performance of the device is very comparable to the Keyword Magic Tool, but the Keyword Assistant analyzes keywords for the Amazon search engine.

Amazon Keyword Wizard

The current size of the Keyword Wizard database is 200+ million keywords, allowing sellers to become aware of queries that can make their listings more profitable.

Listing Quality Check

The Listing Quality Check tool audits your listings and makes data and expert-driven suggestions on how to optimize your listings, improve visibility, and increase conversion.

Listing Quality Check

The Listing Quality Check tool evaluates your product listings for:

  • Amazon Requirements: This report looks for anything that would need to be changed in order to avoid a listing suspension.
  • Amazon Style Guides: This report checks your listing against Amazon’s style guide to help improve the overall quality of your listing.
  • Best Practices: This report provides additional ideas to improve your listing based on Sellzone research. 

You can also track your listing’s quality score, which assesses the overall health of your listing.

Split Testing

spilt testing

Split Testing is a tool that helps you analyze potential changes to an unlimited number of Amazon listings, and make data-driven decisions as a result. You can test your headline, description, price, and image updates in 7-day increments and switch to the top-performing version of the page after the test is complete.

Product Research

The free Product Research tool helps you identify which products to choose and sell on Amazon, and is highly useful for beginners.


It uses the most current Amazon data to locate the required products which allows you to decide if the chosen product has the possibility to be profitable using Sellzone FBA calculator.

PPC Optimizer Tool

With an impressive conversion rate of 9.55%, Amazon PPC advertising is a powerful channel for eCommerce campaigns.

The PPC Optimizer Tool has been designed to help you launch, manage, and optimize your ad campaigns for profitability.

PPC Optimizer Tool

Note: To use the PPC Optimizer Tool, you will need to connect your Amazon advertising account using your Merchant Token number. This enables to a determination of the list of products available for advertising, monitoring advertising campaign metrics, and optimizing campaigns.

If you are new to Amazon business and would like to learn more about how to start selling on Amazon, we advise you to enroll in the free course by Sellzone on Semrush Academy How to Sell on Amazon Course.

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